• milan internet services, rauza road, shadiabad, ghazipur
  • support@milaninternet-com
  • Opening Time : 10: AM - 10 PM

Need Fast & Secure Broadband? Try Milan Broadband.

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Frequently Asked

Our internet service package costs 3999 rupees for a duration of 3 months. This price includes installation charges, a router, and 25 meters of cable wire at no additional cost.

Our installation process is hassle-free. Our technicians will visit your location to set up the necessary equipment and connect you to our network. It's a one-time process to ensure you have a seamless internet experience.

After the initial 25 meters of free cable wire, there is a charge of 20 rupees per meter for any additional cable required. Our technicians will assess your specific requirements during installation and inform you accordingly.

No, our service is contract-free. You are free to renew your subscription every 3 months, and there are no long-term commitments.

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for changes of mind or situations where you no longer require the product or service. We recommend carefully reviewing our offerings and reaching out to our support team with any questions before making a purchase.